Admissions are open to All Nationalities. The admission team at IPS Nairobi looks for students with integrity, energy, and curiosity, a commitment to academic and personal growth and an understanding of what it takes to be part of a rich multi-cultural environment. We look for highly-motivated students from diverse backgrounds, with talents and skills in activities and sports.

Our Admission Team is always ready to work with/assist you on processing your child’s application to IPS Nairobi and get you started on their path to success. If questions should arise pertaining to any of the admission policies or procedures, please do not hesitate to call the admissions office or e-mail or WhatsApp to +254738450555.

Age Eligibility (As on 31st March of the academic session for which admission is sought)

(A) Nursery – 3 years
(B)  L.K.G – 4 years
(C) U.K.G – 5 years
(D) Class I – 6 years
(E) Class II onwards – on the basis of previous class

Admission Procedure


  1. A duly filled form available from the school office /website is to be submitted with the non-refundable, non-transferable Registration Fee within 3 days from the date of issue of form or the last date given.
  2. A copy of birth certificate must be attached with the registration form.
  3. Students who have attended other schools need to submit a photocopy of the report card of the last two years from the previous school.
  4. Parents must submit ORIGINAL TRANSFER/LEAVING CERTIFCATE from the school last attended.
  5. Transfer Certificate MUST be countersigned by DEO/ Ministry of Foreign affairs and the Indian Embassy of the country.
  6. Passport Copy and Photographs (Four).
  7. Must apply for Student’s Pass soon after provisional admission is granted.


II-Admission Test:
The children who have registered with Indian Public School Nairobi will have to appear for an admission test (for class I onwards), which may be written or oral as laid down by the School for different levels. The test will be held for English, Hindi, Mathematics and/or any other subject which may be considered necessary. The selection of the candidates will depend upon the child’s performance in the test/ interview and availability of seats in the concerned class.

(A) Special consideration for Students coming from CBSE Affiliated Schools.
(B) Assessment of the child for admission is also based on the following factors:
Academic readiness and motivation
Social and emotional development
Family co-operation in working with the school and meeting the needs of the students
Ability of the school to serve the needs of the child
(C) The date of the result of the interview & the last date for the submission of fee will be specified at the time of the test/interview.
(D) Based on the admission test and other criteria, the School reserves the right to admit any student who is found fit for admission or refuse admission without assigning any reason.

For all matters related to admissions, the decision of the Principal/Management will be final.

IPS–Nairobi encourages education for all the children. But as we are not equipped with special methodology for the challenged children, we humbly request parents, not to apply for admission till we are equipped with such facility. If,in spite of the limitations, if such children are incorporated into our system,the school cannot be held responsible in case of their like of adoptability, deficiencies, the art of comprehension, failure to meet the required academic standards and inevitable constraints in the part of holistic development.